India News: At 58, slain Punjabi rapper Sidhu Moose Wala's mother Charan Kaur is expecting her second child through IVF in her late 50s. Moose Wala's uncle confirmed the news. Moose Wala's father, Balkaur Singh, is not available for comment.
Charan Kaur has not been stepping out much in the last 3-4 months due to her pregnancy. As per an affidavit filed by Charan Kaur in 2022, she is 58 years old while her husband Balkaur Singh is 60 years old. |
India News: At 58, slain Punjabi rapper Sidhu Moose Wala's mother Charan Kaur is expecting her second child through IVF in her late 50s. Moose Wala's uncle confirmed the news. Moose Wala's father, Balkaur Singh, is not available for comment.
On May 29, 2022, Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu, 28, also referred to as Sidhu Moosewala, was shot and killed in the Mansa district of Punjab. With hits like "So High," "Same Beef," "The Last Ride," "Just Listen," and "295," the singer-rapper acquired a cult following both in India and elsewhere. |