In wake of incessant rain across Punjab, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann had on Friday ordered “special girdawari” to ascertain the loss of crops and orchards due to untimely rainfall.
Earlier heavy rain on March 20 coupled with hailstorm and strong cyclonic winds had wreaked havoc on wheat crop. Around 4 lakh hectares, which comes to over 10% of the total wheat crop, is under heavy lodging (flattening of the crop).
देशभर के कई राज्यों में मॉनसून ने दस्तक दे दी है और यहां बारिश का दौर अब शुरू हो गया है। गर्मी Weather updates Monsoondelhi me baris Delhi NCR heavy rain in Punjab-Haryana weather news updates, Hindi News - Hindustan