Folterskandal in Italien – «Morgen schlachten wir sie wie Kälber»
In einem Gefängnis bei Neapel haben Wärter in einer Operation 130 Häftlinge geschlagen und gefoltert – als Strafe für eine kleine Revolte in der ersten Pandemiewelle.
Oliver Meiler aus Rom
16 Kommentare
Die Beamten stehen Spalier, alle schlagen zu: Szene aus dem Video der Zeitung «Domani», das die Gewaltszenen aus dem Gefängnis in Santa Maria Capua Vetere zeigt.
Foto: Domani
Ein Skandal schüttelt Italien. Und da es nun auch ein Video dazu gibt, ein sechs Minuten langes Beweisstück mit dramatischen Bildern, exklusiv veröffentlicht von der italienischen Zeitung «Domani», wird das lange Leugnen und Schönreden in diesem Fall wohl bald ein Ende haben.
The Benin Bronzes have a special status in the debate over cultural artefacts taken during the colonial era. Author Barnaby Phillips explains why, and why the British Museum's approach to the debate is unsustainable
Simon & Schuster
The 2016 presidential campaign was grinding on and Fort Worth’s Jeff Guinn, like the rest of the country, was hearing a lot about a big, beautiful border wall. That was enough to pique his interest in the past.
“It occurred to me that I live in Texas, and I’ve lived in Texas since I was 18 years old,” Guinn, 70, says by phone. “So that means I’ve lived here about 150 years now. And I didn’t know much about the history of the U.S.-Mexico border. Like I always do, I just started poking around, and it seemed to me that it would be worthwhile to have a book that had the real history, as opposed to the alternative facts.”
Day: May 1, 2021
A month ago, the University of Aberdeen in Scotland committed to repatriating to Nigeria its lone Benin Bronze, becoming the first Western institution to return any of the thousands of bronze sculptures looted from the Kingdom of Benin (part of present-day Nigeria) in 1897. This week, the government of Germany became the second, promising to return to Nigeria in 2022 all Benin Bronzes held by state-run museums. The Ethnological Museum in Berlin alone holds over 500 Bronzes.
The 1897 Benin Punitive Expedition stands as a monument to the greed and destruction of colonialism. At the behest of corporate interests looking to get ahold of new resources, James Phillips, the new Acting Consul General for the Royal Niger Company set out to overthrow the Oba, or King, of Benin. The Oba didn’t want to trade with the Brits, and forbade his people from doing so on punishment of death. Warned of Phillips and his party approaching, the Oba set an ambush. Only two of Phillips’
Month: May 2021
A month ago, the University of Aberdeen in Scotland committed to repatriating to Nigeria its lone Benin Bronze, becoming the first Western institution to return any of the thousands of bronze sculptures looted from the Kingdom of Benin (part of present-day Nigeria) in 1897. This week, the government of Germany became the second, promising to return to Nigeria in 2022 all Benin Bronzes held by state-run museums. The Ethnological Museum in Berlin alone holds over 500 Bronzes.
The 1897 Benin Punitive Expedition stands as a monument to the greed and destruction of colonialism. At the behest of corporate interests looking to get ahold of new resources, James Phillips, the new Acting Consul General for the Royal Niger Company set out to overthrow the Oba, or King, of Benin. The Oba didn’t want to trade with the Brits, and forbade his people from doing so on punishment of death. Warned of Phillips and his party approaching, the Oba set an ambush. Only two of Phillips’s