sandra, you are warmed up. sandra: hope you had a great weekend. well come everyone, this is america reports. in a 6-3 ruling, the courtsiding with coach joe kennedy argued it was his right to pray on the field after the game and was not coercing his players to participate. it could allow for more religious expression in education. thank god, i think everybody that supported me and i found out i m not insane. it s absolutely true of all the facts of the case and it feels good to know that the first amendment is alive and well. john: also falling the fallout from friday s ruling that reversed row v. wade after 50 years. outrage from the left not subsiding, protests coast to coast. those demonstrations, some of them, turning violent. north central colorado, a christian pregnancy center was set on fire saturday morning. the fbi is investigating as potential arson. sandra: protestors arrested in eight states, including in los angeles, for attempted murder after throwing
some sort to override the pump software and get the gas out of the pump. hundreds of gallons in one night. then they go on social media and tell everybody where they are at and sell those folks gas using some kind of payment app. sandra: a big clue something is up, kvvu in las vegas, they say the thieves are sophisticated, thinking of serious ways to do this. saying if the gas pump is running for hours, how long it would take to steal thousands of gallons of gasoline, a sign something is up. how are police responding to the problems? i spoke to a lieutenant in virginia beach, virginia where this is happening and he says they have never seen anything at all like this. they are just discovering it and it took crime suppression units and the locals teaming up to figure this out. and he says that folks will say these thieves are modern day robin hoods, he says that s not