Indian Energy Exchange Ltd notched up volume of 208.73 lakh shares by 10:49 IST on BSE, a 118.95 fold spurt over two-week average daily volume of 1.75 lakh shares
Mahindra CIE Automotive Ltd, Hathway Cable & Datacom Ltd, KSB Ltd, Bajaj Holdings & Investment Ltd are among the other stocks to see a surge in volumes on BSE today, 20 May 2021.
Indian Energy Exchange Ltd notched up volume of 208.73 lakh shares by 10:49 IST on BSE, a 118.95 fold spurt over two-week average daily volume of 1.75 lakh shares. The stock slipped 4.15% to Rs.365.90. Volumes stood at 78500 shares in the last session.
Mahindra CIE Automotive Ltd witnessed volume of 19.04 lakh shares by 10:49 IST on BSE, a 43.29 times surge over two-week average daily volume of 43991 shares. The stock increased 2.45% to Rs.186.30. Volumes stood at 13658 shares in the last session.
Read more about Dynamatic Technologies Ltd leads gainers in B group on Business Standard. Zenith Exports Ltd, Indo Tech Transformers Ltd, Texmo Pipes & Products Ltd and Shakti Pumps (India) Ltd are among the other gainers in the BSE s B group today, 20 May 2021.
Read more about Shakti Pumps (India) reports consolidated net profit of Rs 30.50 crore in the March 2021 quarter on Business Standard. Sales rise 245.41% to Rs 319.71 crore
SIS Ltd saw volume of 21.49 lakh shares by 14:19 IST on NSE, a 18.09 fold spurt over two-week average daily volume of 1.19 lakh shares
KSB Ltd, Jindal Saw Ltd, MOIL Ltd, Bajaj Holdings & Investment Ltd are among the other stocks to see a surge in volumes on NSE today, 29 April 2021.
SIS Ltd saw volume of 21.49 lakh shares by 14:19 IST on NSE, a 18.09 fold spurt over two-week average daily volume of 1.19 lakh shares. The stock increased 0.21% to Rs.360.70. Volumes stood at 2.43 lakh shares in the last session.
KSB Ltd witnessed volume of 3.3 lakh shares by 14:19 IST on NSE, a 11.17 times surge over two-week average daily volume of 29522 shares. The stock increased 2.58% to Rs.897.65. Volumes stood at 41967 shares in the last session.