Earth Science Week from Oct. 8 through 14 at SIU is aimed at promoting a better understanding and appreciation for the Earth sciences and to encourage stewardship of the Earth.
“SIU Homecoming is one of the most special times of the year on campus and in the community,” said Sean Cooney, assistant director of student engagement and programming. “From our
“Salukis in Paradise: A celebration of Southern Illinois as our home away from home!” is the theme of Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s 2023 Homecoming celebration, set for Oct. 16-21.
Its clock tower stretches high over trees scattered across Southern Illinois University’s campus. The building sits atop a small hill and a statue of three sprinting Salukis welcomes you at the bottom. Pulliam Hall was originally built in 1951 and had additional construction, which finished in 1954. The structure was named after the University’s sixth.