breaking news. a ranking democrat on the house homeland committee is asking dhs to investigate contaminated drinking water in puerto rico. it follows a cnn report on water utility workers distributing contaminated water to american citizens on the island. represent bennie thompson of mississippi sent a let tore the department of homeland security asking if the leadership knew puerto ricoians were drinking water from a hazardous site. now the local water authority was apparently unaware that the site was contaminated until cnn alerted them. we have the latest. reporter: some break yans are so desperate to find water here on the island that they ve started tapping into wells on what is described as a super fund site. this is an official designation issued by the environmental protection agency.
appreciate it. be sure to stay tuned for cnn today for live home tal with congressman high pressure and cnn chris cue mow with moderate with live audience that starts this evening at 9:00 p.m. eastern. turning to our national lead president trump to puerto rico was full of praise for handling of the relief efforts. but the island remains a quite a disaster effort in the wake of hurricane maria. joining me now is leyla santiago in puerto rico. how are puerto ricoians, how are they react to go the president s visit? reporter: right. there is there is a lot to cover. let s start there. as we speak to people on the streets, a lot of people took offense to some of the things he said. we heard from the mayor yesterday who took offense to him bringing up puerto rico has