A premiere hula competition, a Bon Dance and a gathering of New Age performers may seem worlds apart from each other, but all three have something in common: helping Maui wildfire victims. Find our comprehensive listing HERE.
The 16th Annual Kū Mai Ka Hula, Maui’s only adult hula competition, takes place live at the the Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Sept. 8-9, 2023. Tickets go on sale Aug. 8.
About 200 Kumu Hula, or Hula teachers, have now signed on to a statement declaring what hula is, and how to protect its future. The Huamakahikina Declaration on the Integrity, Stewardship and Protection of Hula was drafted at a congress of hula practitioners this past September. Two of them joined The Aloha Friday Conversation to walk us through some of the major ideas.