Commissioner bridges and commissioner servais is not in attendance today. We do have a quorum right. Thank you. Can i ask you, madam secretary, to turn your volume up a little . Can you do that . Its sort of. Is that better . Better better. Item number two, communications. We welcome the publics participation during Public Comment periods. There will be an opportunity for general Public Comment at this meeting after closed session and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. Each item each comment is limited to two minutes. Public comment will be taken both in person and remotely by calling for each item, the board will take Public Comment first. People attending the meeting in person and then from people attending the meeting remotely. Comments or opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available by phone by calling. 56550001. Access. Code 26605203021. Then pound, then pound again when connected you will hear the meet
Before meeting of august 17, 2023. At this time. Hey, just give me one second here. Get me organized. Im doing my survey. All right. Okay welcome, everyone. Thank you for all the participation on the board level and im madam secretary. Do you want to call the roll, please . Thank you, commissioner. Commissioner connor. Present mr. Thomas. Present. Present. Helfen. Present mr. Driscoll. Here mr. Gandhi. Present commissioner bridges and commissioner servais is not in attendance today. We do have a quorum right. Thank you. Can i ask you, madam secretary, to turn your volume up a little . Can you do that . Its sort of. Is that better . Better better. Item number two, communications. We welcome the publics participation during Public Comment periods. There will be an opportunity for general Public Comment at this meeting after closed session and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. Each item each comment is limited to two minutes. Public c
Hoy en Despierta America. Una lluvia de balas interrumpe Las Vacaciones de primavera en florida. Una persona pierde la vida y dos estan en condicion critica. El llamado estado del sol esta en la mira de autoridades. Raul se aviva la polemica luego del arresto de un presunto terrorista la frontera, ahora que trump augura un bano de sangre y afina su retorica antiinmigrante. [habla en ingles] en busca del sospechoso de abrir fuego en un parque con saldo de dos heridos. Enterate que revelamos sobre la ola de violencia que azota la gran manzana. Raul la medida provoca ansiedad entre quienes no tienen en donde ir mientras en new york limitan la estancia en refugios. Que pensara lupillo rivera. Mayeli alonso esta embarazada. Estamos Desde Los Angeles con lo ultimo. Raul cuando y como volvera a amanecer kenny . Tenemos nuevos detalles. Te vamos a contar como puedes hacer para crear tu propio milagro. Raul yo llega en vivo el checo san andres a nuestra casa. Bad bunny vuelve con su ex, gabriel
Going to go to districts with a city carved up into seven districts. Despite Public Opinion being overwhelmingly against this, or to fight the lawsuit and take on legal uncertainty and financial risk. Burbank is fighting its slavery lawsuit and has set aside 1 million for it, but that may not be enough. Santa monica has spent 9 million, and after years of litigation, the case is still in the courts or three. Find a compromise that both the school board and mr. Rafferty can live with. With mr. Rafferty being open to a compromise and given the other two bad options, it seems like it might be worth having a discussion with him about it. Thank you very much. Thank you. John hi. My name is john palmer. I am a 30 year San Francisco resident and voter, and i understand that you guys. Have sort of had a gun put to your head in terms of making big changes to how you elect people to the board. And i just think this is a real opportunity to make lemonade from lemons, because the proportional rank
Para recibir fuertes criticas por no sonar las sirenas cuando los fuegos se acercaban, una tragedia que tratan de evitar miles de personas que ahora mismo huyen de otros incendios. Te diremos donde. Raul el equipo legal de trump trabajar para negociar su entrega en una semana en una carcel de georgia, el exmandatario cancela la rueda de prensa del lunes donde pensaba refutar las acusaciones en su contra. Despierta america estan vivo desde washington, d. C. Satcha aspirantes presidenciales en el cuadro cierran campanas en medio de Ataque Armado cerca de una caravana donde iba el candidato daniel novoa, tenemos lo ultimo en vivo desde ese pais sudamericano que se alista para los comicios este domingo. Raul en la mira menese california mientras el huracan hillary toma fuerza la costa mexicana rumbo norte. Enterate cual seria Su Trayectoria y como se preparan ambos paises. Satcha lionel messi habla en exclusiva con nuestros companeros de tudn, no te puedes perder lo que dice el astro argen