finding out about it? not when i see everything that s going around in our country. just because a guy is sensitive and he s an intellectual and he wears glasses, you make him out a queer. i never said a guy who wears glasses is a queer. a guy who wears glasses is a four-eyes, a guy who s a fag is a queer. all in the family did something really new for television. it put before the american public archie s friend, who was very masculine and who happened to be gay. how long you known me? 10, 12 years? yeah. in all that time did i ever mention a woman? oh, come on, steve. that you glorify on public television homosexuality. nixon objecting to the show, that was a badge of honor. it was really culturally on point. every time. for a sitcom that was unheard of. one, two, three.
with mom dented the car and how are we going to keep dad from finding out about it, not when we see what s going on in our country. just because a guy is sensitive and intellectual and wears glasses you make him out as a queer. i never said a guy who wears glasses is a queer. a guy who wears glass is a four eyes, a guy who is a queer. it put forth archie s friend who is very masculine and happened to be gay. how long you known me? 10, 12 years. yeah. in all that time, did i ever mention a woman? come on. i do not think that you glorify on public television homosexuality. nixon objecting to the show, that was a badge of honor. it was really culturally on point every time.
the point is i do not think that you glorify on public television homosexuality. you know greeks. homosexuality destroyed there. we all know that. he never had the influence of television. and the last six roman emperors were fags. you see, homosexuality in general, these are the enemies of strong societies. and that s why the communists and the left-wingers are pushing it. they re trying to destroy us. yep. fatal lib rattle. s fatal liberality. jesus christ. well getting back to my point, i d like to have everybody around here think from now on politically, well don t waste much time. we run better with our left hand than the other ever ran. we re honest and we re smart.
i was told the other day i was trying to tune in to the baseball game and then if game went off and cbs came on with a movie. they had two magnificent handsome guys and a stupid old fellow in it. they were glorifying homosexuality. was that a panel, sir? hell, no, it was a movie. no, that s a regular show. it s on every week. and usually it s just set in the guy s home. it s usually it s just that guy who is a hard hat. that s right. he is the hard hat. and he always looks like a slob. looks like jackie gleason. and then he has this hippie son-in-law. and usually the general trend of it is to downgrade him and upgrade upgrade the hippie son-in-law. make the square hard hat to be bad. what s it called? i ve never seen it. archie is the guy s name. now that s real family entertainment, isn t it? the point that i make is that god damn it, i do not think that you glorify on public television homosexuality. you ever see what happened you know what happened to
upgrade take the hardhat out to the back. what s it called? archie is the guy s name. it s real family entertainment. the point that i made [ bleep ] i do not think that you glorify on public television homosexuality. you know what happened to the greeks. homosexuality destroyed them. brian frye co-producer our nixon join us from lexington, kentucky, he joins us via skype. thank you for talking with us about this. i have to say i watched this last night. it was truly riveting to see these home videos and, you know, you picked up this mammoth project. you went through hundreds of reels to put this movie together. what surprised you most? what did you learn that surprised you most about nixon? about nixon? less than about his aides, actually. you know, they had kind of become caricatures over the