Shinji Miyadai, a Japanese sociologist known for his thoughts on girls dating for money and the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult, was seriously wounded Tuesday in a suspected knife attack on a Tokyo university campus, police said. Miyadai, a professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University, was found at the institution's Minami-Osawa campus…
When Sun Myung Moon, the Korean founder of the Unification Church, needed money for its extensive spiritual and business ventures he would look to Japan, according to some former members. "Senior officials would tell us he needed hundreds of millions of dollars and that Japan had to pay," said Masaki…
By Tim Kelly, Ju-min Park and Kaori Kaneko TOKYO (Reuters) - When Sun Myung Moon, the Korean founder of the Unification Church, needed money for its e.
When Sun Myung Moon, the Korean founder of the Unification Church, needed money for its extensive spiritual and business ventures he would look to Japan, according to some former members.
TOKYO (Reuters) - When Sun Myung Moon, the Korean founder of the Unification Church, needed money for its extensive spiritual and business ventures he would look to Japan, according to some former members.