By Thomas Ultican / Tultican The Downtown Double Tree Hotel where the Network for Public Education (NPE) conference was held has great meeting facilities. Over the May Day weekend of learning and being inspired, it was an easy trek from the five joint sessions in the large room to the six smaller breakout sessions. The…
mistake, it is not progressive to disenfranchise poor minority kids. what about accountability some you mean to tell me vus because it s a charter school, it s going to be perfect because it s for-profit? sorry, folks. i don t buy it. there are standards. not every charter school performs well, especially against public schools. new york city bill de blasio, i think he s totally right. and he s not alone in this mission. public school activists from every corner in the united states met over the weekend at the university of texas to launch a nationwide movement to defend public education against corporate takeover in phony test driven reform. texas school superintendent took the stage to express his concerns with the private sector ceo formula. where do we go for redress of our grievances once we ve surrendered our constitutional guarantees some do we march in the board room of a charter management group or some found days some school reform.
do, and also what about that is kind of the belly of the beast down there when it comes to testing and forming the tests that our students will be taking. isn t it? it absolutely is. and you know as diane put it so he will lo eloquently, it s really the heart of the testing industrial complex. and i think what we see is a nationwide movement of public school activists, of teachers, of parents and students themselves who are saying there is something wrong when we have this dual system, when we have corporations sucking money out of the public school system to run to make a roft. and we see that the results in these schools whether they re voucher schools or charter schools are not even as good as the public schools. millions of dollars are coming out of our public school system to finance these operations. and it s backed by this ideology that is promoted by a lot of think tanks like the bradley foundation here in wisconsin which has pushed the idea the schools are failing, publi