A 26-year-old Indian national, who first came to Singapore in 2018 to study, was jailed for nine weeks after he pleaded guilty to three counts of dealing with the benefits of criminal conduct, involving more than SGD 26,000 that was traced to three fraud victims in the United States.
Singapore, Nov 17: A 26-year-old Indian national, who first came to Singapore in 2018 to study, was jailed for nine weeks after he pleaded guilty to three counts of dealing with the benefits of criminal conduct, involving more than SGD 26,000 that was traced to three fraud victims in the United States. In exchange for at least SGD 100, Bhambri Kunal had withdrawn the cash from Singapore bank accounts, which were sums later traced to three fraud victims in the […]
Singapore News - In exchange for at least $100, Bhambri Kunal withdrew cash totalling more than $26,000 from Singapore bank accounts, which were sums later traced to three fraud victims in the United States. On Wednesday, the 26-year-old Indian national, who first came to Singapore in 2018. Read more at www.tnp.sg
In exchange for at least S$100 (RM331), Bhambri Kunal withdrew cash totalling more than S$26,000 (RM86,160) from Singapore bank accounts, which were sums later traced to three fraud victims in the United States.