[applause]. [music] [music] about 20 years ago the port was look to develop a network of open space and parks and to bring the art network and access to the bay to the entire 7 and a half miles of waterfront property. This location, 7 acres, identified a very important place to make a park for the community. The park was used very much for ship building. It was a very important location in the citys history. Iot best part of the water front was heavy industrial and did in the have opportunity for the public to get in and enjoy will bay and connected to the bay. They incorporated the historical value of the area people can learn what was here before, what is here now and then really be able to understand the community that they live in. This was a vibrant ship building area here for years and years. And you know here we got a slip away and for us to have an opportunity to teach our children the old way specials incorporate them in the new ways, it is endless. This will be an upon upon w
Living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the roma and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Thank you very much. Please call the next item. Madam clerk. This item is a presentation from the refuse rates administrator to adopt an order memorializing the refuse rate boards approval of a code of conduct on june 12th, 2023. It is a discussion and action item. Thank you very much. Ill turn it over to j. But just so members of the public know, the refuse rate board already approved a code of conduct, this is simply housecleaning to make sure that were actually doing it in the form of, i believe, a resolution. So ill turn it over to j. As the chair said, this is a housekeeping item. The City Attorney advised that the code of conduct should be approved as a as a resolution. So thats what was included in the packet and noticed a few weeks ago. Thank you very much. Given that, why dont we
Humankind over the centuries has seen an evolution. We go from hunter gatherers to Agricultural Societies to principalities up to the Industrial Revolution. And there is a process which social institutions become more complex. They develop certain features. Marx said this process would culminate in a utopia. I think most progressive intellectuals for the one or 50i years actually believed in the end of history but they thought ulit was communism. My argument was we did not seem to be going that this is before the collapse of the soviet union. The idea was there did seem to be a process of modernization there was people wanted to live in modern societies the kind of modern society we seem to be ending up that was liberal democracy and capitalism not socialism. In a sense we are getting off the strain of history one stop before the where the commonness of the marxist get off. Stuart professes btk you were talking in 2006 about you 1992 book the end of history and the last man. Do what yo
Writing in Public Middle School and that way i hold more people fall in love with the beautiful of our chinese calligraphy. It is a part of our heritage. And so we need to keep this culture alive. Hand writing is necessary field that needs to be preserved generation toieneration. This art form is fading away. But since covid i have been very dedicated to this art and i hope that my passions and serving this art form. There are many stores and Shopping Centers and companies that are interested in chinese cal iing ravi. I feel motivated to my passion for chinese calligraphy in todays world. So people can always enjoy the beauty of chinese calligraphy, from time to time i have a choice to traditional chinese calligraphy to make it more interesting. We do calligraphy on paper. I can do calligraphy different low. My inspiration is from nature and provide calligraphy that was popular style of persons time. I will invite to you check out my website or instagram. And there is some events and u
Best. We created the oasis out of a need basically so other people bars and turning them into a space and when the last place we were performing wasnt used turned those buildings into condos so we decided to have a space. What the pandemic did for us is made us on of that we felt we had to do this immediately and created this. unintelligible . Where we would offer Food Delivery Services with a curbside professionalism live music to bring spectacular to lives we are going through and as well as employ on the caterers and the performers and drivers very for that i think also for everyone to do something. We had ordinary on the roof and life performances and with a restaurant to support the system where we are and even with that had terribly initiative and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt had to pay our rent we decided to have an oldfashioned one we created club hours where you can watch to online and or be on the phone and raised over one quarter of a Million Dollar that of incre