(Archived document, may contain errors) 24 May 13, 1983 THE "GLOBAL 2000" JUGGERNAUT INTRODUCTION The first days in June will see a major public event by the Global Tomorrow Coalition, a large and well-publicized Washington conference with highly paid speakers such as ex-President Jimmy Carter. This is clearly an attempt to show the muscle of the environmental lobby. It is likely to be politically impressive and effective.
NOTE: Students and professors with UNLV's Public History Program will host the first public tours at Walking Box Ranch in a decade on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022 from 2 to 5 p.m.The free event will feature tours every half hour; hands-on activities with the ranch's collection of material culture; expert-led nature walks on ranching and indigenous plant life of the area; films showcasing former ranch owners and actors Rex Bell and Clara Bow; and a mac n' cheese contest in honor of Bow's favorite recipe.Community members are encouraged to register at https://forms.gle/E9z5AnXPMvrfoYjt8.Originally published: Apr 1, 2013A silent film star once fled to a remote Searchlight ranch for a respite from Hollywood. Can the storied Walking Box Ranch become a hub for history and education?All these years later, silent film star Clara Bow still doesn’t need words. Even today she can send classic film buffs into swooning fits of nearly mesmerized ardor. Her eyes now smoldering, no