Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TCEQ will require applicants for new registration, permit, activity to complete Public Involvement Plan Form TCEQ-20960. Screening gives applicants and agency specific information to determine necessity of more public outreach.
Starting November 1, 2022, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) will require applicants who are applying for a new registration, permit, or activity, or making certain.
People in a Scottsdale neighborhood recently got a flyer in the mail from the City of Phoenix and Sky Harbor Airport, warning them they could soon be in a flight path.
GREENFIELD The licensed site professional’s response to the Department of Environmental Protection’s audit of the former Lunt Silversmiths property is being described as “woefully deficient” by a group of residents who belong to the site’s public.
GREENFIELD With the goal of applying for grants that would make it possible to hire an independent licensed site professional, the neighborhood group that has been outspoken in its concerns over the environmental cleanup process at the former Lunt.