Nevada County Sheriff’s Senior Administrative Analyst Leslie Williams was named the department’s interim public information officer, according to outgoing Public Information Officer Andrew Trygg.
Casper firefighters respond to possible gas leak during earthquake By Brendan LaChance on August 2, 2021
(File Photo; Trevor T. Trujillo, Oil City News)
CASPER, Wyo. Several crews with the Casper Fire-EMS Department were responding to the report of a gas leak when an earthquake occurred on Sunday night, according to Engineer and Public Information Officer Andrew Sundell.
“How about that earthquake?” Sundell said in a Monday morning briefing. “I don’t know if anybody out there felt the earthquake. We did not. … If any of you guys felt it, let us know.”
The U.S. Geological Survey shows that a 3.7-magnitude earthquake occurred at about 9:50 p.m. Sunday about 21 miles east of Casper and about five miles north of Glenrock. The earthquake occurred at a depth of around 11.3 kilometers, according to the USGS.