Kevin Dietsch/Pool via AP
For some months, I have been arguing that the declaration of a “public health emergency” based on the Wuhan virus epidemic has had much more to do with an effort to curtail civil liberties…and to develop a body of favorable Supreme Court decisions that essentially eviscerate the Bill of Rights…than they have to do with any desire to keep Americans safe. As we’ve seen in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Michigan (to name the top-shelf examples), there are state governments who are perfectly happy killing as many of us as necessary to get their way. (As an aside, perhaps no more malicious example of deliberately killing people to, I think, keep the death rate high exists than former Pennsylvania Secretary of Health and current Assistant Secretary of Health at the Department of Health and Human Services, “Rachel” Levine, who removed “her” mother from a long term care facility before ordering such facilities to accept patients infected