16/03/2022 - The CEO of Estonia’s national film agency answered some questions about the body’s schemes and activities, and shared her takes on Film i Väst’s recent study on public funding
The study identifies the main challenges affecting public film funding, but also provides a series of recommendations to guide the actions of industry players and policy makers
16/03/2022 - The CEO of Estonia’s national film agency answered some questions about the body’s schemes and activities, and shared her takes on Film i Väst’s recent study on public funding
16/03/2022 - La CEO dell'agenzia estone ha risposto ad alcune domande sugli schemi e sulle attività dell'ente, e ha condiviso le sue opinioni sul recente studio di Film i Väst sui finanziamenti pubblici
16/03/2022 - The CEO of Estonia’s national film agency answered some questions about the body’s schemes and activities, and shared her takes on Film i Väst’s recent study on public funding