Chairman heinicke all right. Good morning good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I will call this meeting of the San Francisco m. T. A. To arrested. I will read some preliminary rules after the roll is called. Call the roll. [roll call] clerk thank you. You have a quorum. Chairman heinicke all right. We have a quorum. Obviously, these are unique times, as we could say. Given the Public Health recommendations issued by the department of Public Health and Governor Newsom and mayor breed have lifted the attendance of Board Members by telephone, directors rubke and torres will be participating by phone at my request. Caroline and others in the room here to assist with our City Attorney deputy City Attorney, susan cleavelandknowles. We will say, at the end, get through this together. I will ask Board Members to mute their phones. It sounds great right now, but if you want to speak, unmute the phones and let us know. For this meeting, we would like public to participate remotely about writing
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones and pages are prohibited at this meeting. And be advised the chair may remove anybody using a cell cell phone or Electronic Device and the public has up to three minute to make pertinent comments unless the Port Commissioner dubs a shorter period. The moderator will instruct dialin participants to use touchtone phones to register any desire tor Public Comment. Comments will be taken first from inperson participants and then dialedin participants. Audio prompts will signal to dial in when the input has been enabled for commenting. The comply with the declaration for covid19, that you remain an arms length distance. We are not requiring speakers to fill out a card but speakers can go up to the podium one one at a time or queue up in line but please maintain the social distance. Item 4, declaration of emergency Port Commission meeting. Thank you, everyone, for joining us today whether in
Hi mayor. Good afternoon. My name is dr. Emily, the director of the San Francisco department on the status of women, the only department on the status of women in the nation. Since 1975, San Francisco has been the home of the strongest commission on the status of women in the nation. Its my pleasure to welcome you to the annual womens History Month celebration. This year we celebrate the National Theme of valiant women of the vote. We honor the brave women who fought for suffrage rights for women and those who continue to fight for the Voting Rights of others. Im very pleased to say were joined by many members of the family. If you could hold your applause, well give them a big applause after. Carmen chu, board of supervisors norman yee, catherine stephanie, sandra lee fewer, and fire chief nicholson, and police chief william scott. So lets give them a big round of applause for showing up today. [applause] i also like to recognize Womens Commissioner sophia and julie from the commissio
Education, labor, and pensions will please come to order. I have one goal today and that is Accurate Information. Accurate information that can help americans understand what they should do about the coronavirus and Accurate Information to help members of congress to help decide what else we ought to be doing about the coronavirus. Around the world, the spread of the Novel Coronavirus alarming. 90,000 cases in 65 countries. 3,000 deaths according to the world health organization. But most people in the United States are at low risk. Heres what the New York Times said on its front page two days ago on sunday in describing the situation in our country. Quote, much about the coronavirus remains unclear. And it is far from certain that the outbreak will reach severe proportions in the United States. Or affect many regions at once. With its topnotch scientists, modern hospitals, and sprawling Public Health infrastructure, most experts agree the United States is among the countries best prep
Clerk mr. President , all members are present. President yee okay. Thank you. Will you please join me in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] so id like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv, karina and michael, who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts of the meetings available online. Madam clerk, is there any communications . Clerk yes, mr. President. On march 7, 2020, a Citywide Health order was issued by the health order, issuing aggressive recommendations to slow down or reduce the spread of the covid19 virus and protect the health of general populations. During the call for general Public Comment, i will provide more comment on how the department of Public Health is encouraging more participation remotely. Thank you, mr. President. President yee thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, as you know, we are not operating on a routine process in the state of california and San Francisco. I want to remind everyone that the board of supervisors is an eventual govern