Danielle Deadwyler finds herself in an alternate universe with Edwin and Aldis Hodge in this exclusive clip from sci-fi drama, Parallel. Directed by Kourosh Ahari, Parallel stars the Till actress as a woman in grief who stumbles upon multiple versions of herself from different realities. The film is based on Chinese film Parallel Forest. According… Continue reading Aldis And Edwin Hodge Shock Danielle Deadwyler In ‘Parallel’ Exclusive Preview
Till star Danielle Deadwyler plays a woman caught in a web of multiple versions of herself in the trailer for actor/brother team Aldis and Edwin Hodge’s upcoming sci-fi horror film, Parallel. The Hodge brothers wrote the Vertical Entertainment film with Jonathan Keasey and also star alongside Deadwyler, who stars as a woman who is deep… Continue reading ‘Parallel’ Trailer: Danielle Deadwyler In Sci-Fi Film Written By And Co-Starring Aldis And Edwin Hodge