BASINGSTOKE, England and PHILADELPHIA, April 23 /PRNewswire/ - Within the First Eight Months Since its Introduction in the United States, VYVANSE has Achieved Over One Million Prescriptions - In a Clinical Study With Adults, VYVANSE was Shown to Significantly Improve the Symptoms of ADHD (Inattention, Hyperactivity and Impulsivity)(1)
To assess the reliability and validity of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) tool to detect major neurocognitive disorder among older people in Ethiopia.
Background: The Patient readiness to engage in health information technology (PRE-HIT) is a conceptually and psychometrically validated questionnaire survey tool to measure willingness of patients with chronic conditions to use health information technology (HIT) resources. Objectives: This study aimed to translate and validate a health information technology readiness instrument, the PRE-HIT instrument, into the Persian language. Methods: A rigorous process was followed to translate the PRE-HIT instrument into the Persian language. The face and content validity was validated by impact score, content validity index (CVI) and content validity ratio (CVR). The instrument was used to measure readiness of 289 patients with chronic diseases to engage with digital health with a four point Likert scale. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to check the validity of structure. The convergent and discriminant validity, and internal reliability was exp
(2017) Carranza Esteban, Bermúdez-Jaimes. Interdisciplinaria. Self-concept is one of the factors that allows humans to live healthy and with emotional wellbeing during their evolutionary development. Musitu, García, and Gutiérrez (1991) mention that selfconcept is the perception that people have .
financial security
Although each of these domains is distinct, all of them are nearly universally desired, and all but financial security constitute ends in themselves.
Data were collected from a representative sample of working adults. A sample of 276 employees participated in the pilot, 2,370 participated in the first wave and 1,209 in the second wave of the survey. The WBA showed a good fitting (40 items, six factors), satisfactory reliability, test–retest correlation, and convergent/discriminant validity in relation to stability over time and relevant health measures, as well as a good fit to the data that were invariant over time, gender, age, education, and marital status.