A familiar face to cspan and viewers the former solicitor general and the coauthor of this book revealing the dream the case for Marriage Equality along with david. Did you surprise a lot of people with your position on marriage . Apparently i did. I didnt surprise me and i didnt surprise people that knew me because i felt i grew up in california and ive always thought its wrong to discriminate against people who are or and when i was first asked to take the case i thought it was something i could do and wanted to do so i was a little surprised that people were surprised because im a conservative a lot of people were and i felt it was my mission to try to convince as many of them as i could but this was the right place to be. About conservative case to me is easy. These are two loving people who want to come together in an enduring relationship and form a part of a community and have a family and be part of our society and live together. What could be more conservative than that . We s
Liberal set of beliefs to be the foundational ideas that this country was founded upon generally speaking. I find them the ideas of individual rights of laissezfaire economics of using logic and reason and limited government and individual choice to be the best way for a free Pluralistic Society to operate and thats really what we were founded upon and the way weve governed ourselves for the most part. Ill be it in perfectly for about 250 years. That was what the first book was unfortunately in the two years since the first book was published obviously the country has gone in a slightly different direction or at least i would say in the opposite direction to be more clear. Opposite direction and the ideas of individual rights and laissezfaire economics limited on we. We love. We will be easy as failing. We see a Mainstream Media seem to be raising the issue clearly but what can you do y it your to fight against, what are the things you can do that you can take control of in your life s
I consider the classically liberal set of beliefs to be the foundational ideas that thiss country was founded upon. Generally speaking i i find tm the ideas of individual rights of laissezfaire economics of using logic and reasoning and limited government and individual choice to be the best way for free Pluralistic Society to operate and thats really what we were founded upon and away we govern ourselves for the most part albeit imperfectly for about 250 years. That was with the first book was about and that unfortunately in the two years since the first book was published obviously the country has gone in a slightly different direction or at least i would say in an opposite direction to be more clear and opposite direction than the ideas of individual rights and laws a fair economics and liberty government. We reverse all of that. Unfortunately and weve gone far more towards collectivism than individualism so dont burn this country willy was i suppose an obvious followup and that oka
Start with the first one first the first book i wrote really to just lay out my beliefs. I consider the classically liberal set of beliefs to be the foundational ideas that this country was founded upon generally speaking. I find them the ideas of individual rights of laissezfaire economics of using logic and reason and limited government and individual choice to be the best way for a free Pluralistic Society to operate and thats really what we were founded upon and the way weve governed ourselves for the most part. Ill be it in perfectly for about 250 years. That was what the first book was about and then unfortunately in the in the two years since the first book was published obviously the country has gone in a slightly different direction or at least a i would say in an opposite direction to be more clear an opposite direction than the ideas of individual rights and laissezfaire economics and limited government. Weve sort of reversed all of that stuff, unfortunately, and weve gone f
Before we get to the study you conducted on methods to reduce polarization, just put the situation in perspective for us. How divided would you say this country is right now . More divided than it has ever been since the civil war . Caller i would say that the u. S. Is as divided as it has been at any point since the civil war. As a political researcher and a sociologist, i tend to focus on the public opinion, which is one way to look at this. Public opinion data on polarization and attitudes in the American General public is really concerning. It is not looking very good. For example, we see concerning levels of support for condoning violence. Those levels are not high, but i would still describe them as concerning because you want to see that near zero or so. Antisemitic attitudes are pretty high as well. Americans report being willing to tolerate antidemocratic moods from political leaders in their own party for partisan gains. And then finally, we seem steadily increasing partisan