you know, jesus of the new testament that we really are seeing a kind of break, and that break, i think, is linked to the fact that we use a good sociology word here, the plausibility structures have collapsed, that world that used to be the dominant forces in america, those institutions have kind of collapsed and the theology now is, i think, in a desperate kind of free fall, and so this is what we re seeing is people that literally is a kind of psychic break, and a kind of desperate flailing around that we re seeing in public as people are trying to wrap their heads around this. and we saw it during the civil rights era, too. same group. thank you, robert p. jones, you re great. thank you very much. don t go anywhere, tonight s absolute worst. one of donald trump s true low points happened one year ago today, it was a moment that ushered in one of the most dangerous periods in political history. that is next. ous periods in poll history. thats inext tonight, i ll be eating a buffal
was misdiagnosed bipolar and only sleep deprived. it s clear that diagnosis is indeed incorrect. kanye has a problem. this is not the person i interviewed at the new york times or for rolling stone magazine. the kanye i interviewed with pre-his mother s death. post his mother s death, so c cataclysmic in his life, we re dealing with that effect upon im. a psychic break, but talk about the political evolution we ve seen there. remember well of whatted with kanye west after katrina. what do you make of that? the way he s so embraced president trump? the them, i m not offended by profanity in meft caost cases. offended me most the transition of kanye and what elevated from voices on the right. the outrage when barack obama invited common, a socially