Pmoody im Russell Rhodes outside pwith dave osterberg. Plets add that to the list and pgreat weather. Pdo you remember kiefer suddener pland when he was in lost boys. Pwhat great movie. Pwhat great movie. Eople must have think of them pjack. Pgoes back long before that. Pwere starting off this morning plovely note. Pwere 60 degrees. Pthats our currents temperature poutside of tampa international. Palso, joining us, at 60 degrees, pst. Petersburg. Pwinter haven, looks like psarasotas going to 61 and pvenice at 63. Pso, were running couple degrees ptime. Pi think were headed right back pinto mid 70s for next couple of pafternoons yes, i do have rain pin seven day forecast. Pbut, not until next week. Pminutes. Phere 9 0 one a new crash punfortunately were hearing is pinvolving a motorcyclist with pserious injury. Pthis is in Pinellas County u. S. P19 at 18th avenue south. Pnorthbound direction is pdirection of the this crash. Palready starting to see delay pheading knot just northbound bu