A new restock of the PlayStation 5 took place today at Best Buy, but unlike past sale opportunities at the retail chain, this restock wasn t available to all customers. Specifically, Best Buy opted to lock this new release of the PS5 behind a paywall and only would allow select consumers to pick [.]
PS5 Restock Tracker: Target To Release New Consoles On Wednesday
Target is planning on selling its latest stock of PS5 units on Wednesday
TechRadar s Matt Swider said Target is likely to start selling at around 7:40 a.m. EDT
No word yet on Sony s attempt to increase the PS5 production
Some U.S. stores are reportedly planning on holding one last PS5 sale event before April ends, but hopeful buyers may have to scramble for a shot at getting one of the new consoles.
Target will be releasing a new batch of PS5 consoles at the early hours of Wednesday this week, TechRadar’s Matt Swider has learned. The restock time is allegedly between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. EDT according to Swider and YouTuber Jake Randall, who has also been spreading leaks about possible restock dates for stores across the U.S.