barack obama, people didn t do that and generally tried to support barack obama, that was good. they generally, with the exception of julian castro tried to learn the lesson which was don t attack each other. was kind of conspicuous when castro went after biden you had one of the big moments of the night when pruth saete buttigie they don t want to see us attacking each other, they want us to attack trump. thats is something they didn t do in the first two was take the critique to donald trump. so those three things, don t attack obama, don t attack each other and do attack donald trump, you saw a lot of that s that on stage and ghors simple but good lessons from the first two debates. i think joe biden did not have a sp spectacular night, but it was the best of his three debate performances. by that measure, not necessarily the highest bar in the world, but he managed to the classic phrase, he did what he had to do i think last night. in particular, not just that last answer, willie