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the statues to stay in place. and are saying well, you re taking away from our history. do you think they understand the statues? when they were erected and why. i think not. i think one of the challenges of a place like the smithsonian is to help people understand their history. i think there will always be people who will see these monuments as ways to celebrate the lost cause, the confederacy and it s our job to help people understand exactly what they were. and encourage discussions and debates around them. you know some wanted them destroyed. i want to play what you said about it. i like the notion of pruning. periodically you got to prune. i do not ever wants to see all these monuments taken down because they re too important in terms of historical lessons but i think if you can prune, that means you can add other stories.
you re taking away from our history. do you think they understand the statues? i think not. i think one of the challenges of a place like the smithsonian is to help people understand their history. i think there will always be people who will see these monuments as ways to celebrate the lost cause, the confederacy and it s our job to help people understand exactly what they were. you know some wanted them destroyed. i like the notion of pruning. periodically you got to prune. i do not ever wants to see all these monuments taken down because they re too important in terms of historical lessons but i think if you can prune, that means you can add other stories. but also i think the big
to confront italy s childhood obesity problem head-on. i have three children, and they go to school in the states. and there s a different feel to it. you do have processed foods, frozen foods. is that the big difference here in italy? kids just don t eat that sort of food in school paola is worried that childhood obesity could lead to heart disease, yet traditional
silverware, real dishes, even table service. when you come to school like this, do you get food like this every day? because it takes a while to cook and stuff. we re used to it. how does this compare to school lunches in america? i like food better here than america. that s unbelievable. this just keeps getting better and better. paolo is a nutritionist and she s working with rome s youth