Examination classes went smoothly back to school yesterday with teachers and pupils following the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines.
The three examination classes, Grade 7, Form 4 and Form 6, opened yesterday after President Mnangagwa and the health authorities cleared the schools reopening soon after the relaxation of the lockdown level.
The rest of the classes go back on Monday next week.
In Harare yesterday morning schools visited by The Herald had opened their education doors, and pupils were being checked for temperature and sanitising hands at the gate before admission. Everyone was wearing a facemask and no one was crowding.
At class entry points, there were buckets to wash hands before entering into classrooms.
Schools reopen under strict health regulations
Herald Reporters
Examination classes went smoothly back to school yesterday with teachers and pupils following the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines.
The three examination classes, Grade 7, Form 4 and Form 6, opened yesterday after President Mnangagwa and the health authorities cleared the schools reopening soon after the relaxation of the lockdown level.
The rest of the classes go back on Monday next week.
In Harare yesterday morning schools visited by The Herald had opened their education doors, and pupils were being checked for temperature and sanitising hands at the gate before admission. Everyone was wearing a facemask and no one was crowding.
Thursday, December 10, 2020 NewsdzeZimbabwe
There was panic at Christian College in Masvingo this
morning when it emerged that one of the Form 6 students sitting for a Family
and Religious Studies exam paper stayed with a guardian who died of Covid 19 on
Sunday. Christian College is one of the most populous schools in the province
with 2 300 students and 105 sat for the 9am paper.
The guardian who cannot be named died at Rujeko Isolation
Centre and was buried today in Chitsa in Gutu under Covid19 regulations. Frightened
teachers refused to invigilate the student who has neither been tested for
Covid19 nor quarantined.
The Mirror alerted the school head, Edison Muresherwa of