that s provided. you know, that is not exactly great access to health care, if you get this insurance. so that is certainly will create problems for those who don t live near any of the provider hospitals. jon: so in the meantime the house as you know has voted to defund obamacare. where does it go from here? is there really the appetite in the senate to make that happen? well i actually don t believe there is really a possibility to defund obamacare. you have to have the president vote away or sign away his signature domestic achievement. that first you would have to get the senate which is controlled by democrats to vote to defund obamacare. so i really don t think that s an option. i do think there is a possibility that obamacare could collapse under its own weight for reasons like this. depending onioning people and healthy people to pay for insurance they don t think they need, to spend money, need them to sign up. it is not clear they will actually do that we ll have to wait an