SAFETY fears may have driven away some female traders, following a change to parking allocations in Durham, a market boss has claimed. Market workers were previously able to park at the former coach park at the Sands, which Durham County Council has closed while construction is underway on its new £50 million riverside HQ. But according to Colin Wilkes, managing director at the city’s historic Market Hall, the loss of this provision has been concerning for workers. “At the moment we have an arrangement with the Council, where we have 10 spaces allocated in Providence Row that are available for traders,” he said.
We explain everything you need to know to effectively complain to BT
30 April 2021 • 2:14pm
It can be hard to get your complaint heard, and even harder to get it resolved. Below, we explain everything you need to know to effectively complain to BT, including the relevant addresses, social media pages and chief executive details.
For those with a grievance against BT, we ve listed everything you need to know below to get your complaint heard and resolved.
How to complain directly to BT
BT s customer service team is on
0800 432 0137. You can also complain via online chat or e-form here – you ll need your customer account number.
AJ Bell wins the big prize at UK Platform Awards 2020
Murphy Wealth takes Leading adviser practice
Professional Adviser
Standard Life Wrap, 7IM and AJ Bell took home eight gongs between them from the UK Schroders Platform Awards 2020.
Now in their 14th year, the Schroders UK Platform Awards were held virtually for the first time due to the pandemic but kept some strong continuity as they were hosted by journalist Kate Silverton (pictured) for.
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