Password: civilonhill If you do not have a computer or sufficient bandwidth, you may call (408) 418-9388 to appear by phone. (This is not a tollfree number). You will then enter the meeting number and password listed above. If you have technical difficulties, call the Court at (802) 775-4394. Date: February 19, 2021 VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR ABANDONMENT PURSUANT TO 10 V.S.A. § 6249(i) (Uninhabitable) NOW COMES The Housing Foundation, Inc. ( HFI ), by and through its counsel Nadine L. Scibek, and hereby complains pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6249(i) as follows: 1. HFI, a Vermont non-profit corporation with a principal place of business in Montpelier, County of Washington, State of Vermont, is the record owner of a mobile home park known as the Coburns Mobile Home Park (the Park ), located in the Town of North Clarendon, Vermont.