debatable thing between a president and an attorney general. more importantly, two, richardson already pledged to the senate that kind of order was wrong and that was not debatable. it was black and white and under oath. so he famously quit in protest setting off the constitutional crisis of nixon s saturday night massacre. my only single most important commitment to this objective was my commitment to the independence of the special prosecutor. i could not be faithful to this commitment and the curtailment of his authority. the country tonight is in the midst of what may be the most serious constitutional crisis in it s history. many remember that. now some people look at the record and nowadays say, well, things don t work like that anymore. but if you think that, you may not be paying attention because
after the moral monday march that took place in st. louis. eugene, protest leaders are being criticize or criticizing the police, that it was a poor decision to use plain clothes officers at a protest setting. explain, is that common that they should be in plain clothes or is that uncommon? it sounds like whatever the police do they re going to be criticized when they are in riot gear, criticized when they re not in uniform. they re criticized, it is common practice to have plain clothes people there to be listening, to be honest, and to be monitoring what s happening with some of these protest, of course, legitimate protesters being shunted aside and there s an element of people that don t even come from the town that are coming to create problems. that shouldn t be tolerated. that s what i think was expoed here and i hear the police chief talking about that, criminal elements exposing the vulnerabilities and pitting people against each other and use these protests as a cover to