Exploring the therapeutic effect of tumor cell-membrane-coated vesicles based on photodynamic therapy drug indocyanine green on melanoma in vitro and in vivo
15 Basal epithelial cells are a blood–prostate barrier between luminal cells and basement membrane
16 but are absent in prostate carcinoma.
17–19 Loss of basal epithelial cells is a characteristic of prostate carcinoma
20,21 and one of the diagnostic criteria of prostate cancer,
19 suggesting that some essential connections might exist between basal epithelial cells and prostate cancer cells. So, we put out a question regarding whether basal epithelial cells could suppress migration or invasion of prostate cancer cells when basal epithelial cells are artificially added into a cultured system of prostate cancer cells. Through extensive reading of the medical literature, we found that the effects of basal epithelial cells on prostate cancer cells are still limited. One previous study reported that extracellular matrix of basal epithelial cell inhibited the proliferation of prostate cancer cell LNCaP by secreting TGF-β1.