is that what you said, leave the legislating to other folks? i do. i think joe s right that he needs to make the republicans pay a price. you know, clinton wanted to be a uniter, and he really did. and yet he had to draw the line when newt gingrich and the other republicans wanted to cut medicare. and show he did. and he made them pay a price for it. joe is exactly right. but beyond that clinton understood the presidency has vast powers outside of legislating. it s not just he signs bills. for example, clinton created i think 19 national monuments, millions and millions of acres that he set aside to protect w wilderness. and of course the republicans as clinton said they squealed like a hog stuck under a gate, but he used his executive power to protect the environment. and then he picked a big fight. clintp picked a big fight with big tobacco. and it was politically courageous, and it was politically successfully.