Law- and business-school graduate Ari Epstein will promote bilateral relations between Hungary and Belgium, and facilitate engagement on economic, commercial and cultural levels.
Law- and business-school graduate Ari Epstein will promote bilateral relations between Hungary and Belgium, and facilitate engagement on economic, commercial and cultural levels.
A comprehensive survey of anti-Semitic prejudices in 16 European countries, which was released last week in the framework of a meeting of Jewish leaders in Brussels, shows that Greece is, along with Poland and Hungary, the country where the population has the most negative feelings towards the Jews and where antisemitic prejudices are widespread, writes […]
Eliana Rudee: Nearly one-third of respondents in Austria, Hungary and Poland say Jews will never be able to fully integrate into society • About one-third in Romania, France and the Czech Republic think secret Jewish network influences political, economic affairs in world.
“We gather in Brussels with Jewish leaders from Europe and watch, in front of our eyes, how anti-Semitism continues to grow year after year,” said Rabbi Menachem Margolin, chairman of the European Jewish Association, who placed blame on politicians “who are content with declarations but ignore the real problems of the Jews of Europe.”