and devastating long term health consequences. that that is why a lot of this is related problems they don t. call it and this wish a little the new law as you do but we do find them and not only these people who were working in the garden but the people who are living just near the gardens these instances sides are they fall on the ground they are deep into the ground and they can contaminate the drinking water itself. in assamese humid climate pesticides are widely used to stop insects or funguses from wiping out crops not just in this team is state certified by rain forest alliance the workers across our sound use pesticides without basic protection gear. for example here on the decamped here state. in both called teagarden.
i left my handgun in the car and took my bag with my two residents. and i noticed armor vehicle was arriving, and high residents didn t have tactical training, so i put them in the armor vehicle to give them protection gear and we entered hot zone. my deputy commander introduced me to the scene commander and notified them that we have three physicians at the scene if it s needed and our responsibilities was clearing the second floor of the building. once we finished that and got some of the people who were still trapped in the office, we were tee bridebriefing when we d the call that the two assailants were coming back to the scene almost. and they were deployed toward
humid climate pesticides or. widely used to stop insects or funguses from wiping out crops not just in this t. is state certified by rain forest alliance the workers across our sound use pesticides without basic protection gear. for example here on the d. com tear state. in boucle tea garden. and so on the man just three plantation. it would. it also has a number of good standard sales to its name a supervisor indicates where the workers have used past a science in florence minn wants to find out how heavily contaminated the plants are. so he takes samples. not just here but also from four other tea estates in assam.