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Sputnik International
Amsterdam is preparing to build a five-storey erotic centre in a bid to clean up and relocate the city s famed red light district.
Plans for the 5,000 square-metre out-of-town building have been outlined in a document submitted to the council by mayor Femke Halsema.
The mayor hopes to move and downsize the red light district from the alleyways in Singel, Amsterdam, to a purpose-built centre outside of the main hub.
The erotic centre will contain 100 small rooms, two bars and an erotic entertainment venue including a strip club, according to The Guardian.
Amsterdam is preparing to build a five-storey erotic centre as part of plans to relocate the famed red light district and attract better quality tourists (stock image)
A sex show, bars, 100 small rooms and 5,000 square metres of space will form Amsterdam’s new erotic centre, according to a council report.
The ‘market consultation’ document, to be discussed with both sex workers and interested commercial parties, suggests the shape of the future erotic centre and nine possible locations from the edge of the Oud Zuid/Rai exhibition centre to Hamerkwartier in Amsterdam North.
It is part of a plan, voted for by the city council in January, to radically change Amsterdam’s red light district by relocating sex work elsewhere. Mayor Femke Halsema has also stressed that the erotic centre needs to ‘improve the position of sex workers’ and do more to combat human trafficking.