adult services is enkren sored on craigslist. users finding the link blocked with a bar that says simply censored. craigslist not explaining the move just yet, saying instead they will release a statement later. it s going to be a crucial first step in repairing its image after repeated criticism that it promotes prostitution and child sex trafficking. last week attorneys general in 17 states accused craigslist of doing little to prevent that. one of them commended this move yesterday. craigslist either cannot or will not effectively screen out the ads and so craigslist really voluntarily did the right thing as a result of our job owning and talking to them, but i think that it can be a model for other sites that may either enable or encourage prostitution ads. this is a story cnn has been reporting on in the past few
eliminating prostitution ads and fortunately it s done the right thing voluntarily shutting down the adult services section. the move comes weeks after the craigslist killer markhoff committed suicide this his boston jail cell. he s alleged to met the victims on the site adult services section until last year was listed as erotic services. authorities believe even though the name changed the forum was used as a marketplace for prostitution among other things. in illinois, the cook county sheriff, the chicago area, said that they made 500 prostitution arrests this year. roughly a third are connected to craigslist. it s unclear if the move to censor the adult services section is permanent but if you are looking for things that were advertised there like massage or nighttime companion, you have to look elsewhere. shannon: peter doocy. thank you very much. thank you. shannon: this fox news alert. fresh violence in iraq days after the end of the u.s. combat operations there.
craigslist. users looking for adult encounters on the web site are instead encountering the word censored in its place. craigslist isn t explaining the move just yet but said it would release a statement later. it s been under a lot of pressure to make the change and craigslist is under allegations that it s promoting prostitution and sex trafficking. they challenged craigslist to act. one commended this latest move but warned there is much more to do. there have been a series of assaults, even more serious crime, evidence of human trafficking, tragedies resulting directly from these prostitution ads on craigslist. craigslist is simply the biggest by far in scale and scope and others should follow its example. we will monitor them, we will pursue them if they fail to follow this lead. craigslist executives had said they would be keeping a closer eye on that adult
state attorneys general sent a letter to craigslist demanding action. craigslist either cannot or will not effectively screen out the ads. and so kracraigslist really voluntarily did the right thing as a result of our jawboning and talking to them. but i think it can be a model for other sites that may either enable or encourage prostitution ads. leading cnn s groundbreaking investigation into all of this has been our own amber. reporter: if you go to any part of craigslist, any city in the u.s. and control down to where the adult services used to be you re greeted with a black bar that says censored and you cannot access that section. we ve been trying to get hold of craigslist all day to find out if this is a permanent change. one thing is for sure. this section on craigslist has caused a ton of controversy with victims advocates and attorneys general for the past several years saying that women and
connecticut attorney generally archdiocese generally ryrichard blumenthal. craigslist day to day the right thing as the result of our jawboning and talking to them. i think it can be a model for other sites that may either enable or encourage prostitution ads. leaving cnn s investigation into the matters is amber lion. what can you tell us today? certainly millions of craigslist users are noticing. well, tom, something you noticed physically about craigslist is if you live in the u.s. and go to your local page and scroll down to where the adults services section used to be you are met with a big black bar that says sencensored. i have been on the phone trying