In Icarus' "Snowblind: Scan" Prospect Mission, plkayers need to travel towards the Arctic biome in order to retrieve a radar, and setting it up at different locations within the said biome.
In Icarus' "Seven Pillars: Scan" Prospect Mission, players need to traverse the Desert biome in order to locate the scan locations where they need to set up the radar that they have got from a Supply Crate.
In Icarus' "Deep Vein: Extraction" Prospect Mission, players need to travel towards the Arctic biome to gather the Exotic deposit resource, which they can use to buy unique in-game items.
In Icarus' "Icestorm: Expedition" Prospect Mission, players need to travel towards the Forest and Arctic biomes in order to collect the device components and craft a Disruptor that they will set up despite of a snowstorm.
In Icarus' "El Camino: Expedition" Prospect Mission, players must traverse the Forest and Desert biomes in order to survey the crash sites, while eliminating a potential threat in a form of the Sand Worm.