Taipei, April 13 (CNA) Taiwan's Cabinet on Thursday approved a slew of draft amendments to three key laws, with the aim of combating a rampant fraud problem in the country by introducing, among other measures, stiffer fines for negligent breaches of data security.
The Ministry of Justice has introduced a new system that allows defendants who the police consider to have committed minor offenses and are not required to post bail to deliver statements via teleconference instead of being escorted to a prosecutors’ office.
Minister of Justice Tsai Tsing-hsiang (蔡清祥) had commissioned the Department of Prosecutorial Affairs to create a system to cut down on expenses and to save judiciary personnel time and effort.
Those who fall under the new system include drunk drivers who have not caused injury or death, or people who have illegally occupied someone’s property, confessed to using narcotics, turned themselves
Taiwan and the US have a close working relationship in judiciary and legal assistance matters, and enhanced the partnership at a meeting with US attorneys general in Washington in December last year, Deputy Minister of Justice Tsai Pi-chung (蔡碧仲) said on Wednesday.
“It’s quite an honor. We were the only nation from abroad invited to participate,” Tsai said while presenting a briefing from the annual meeting of the US National Association of Attorneys General.
Tsai led a five-member delegation to the event, representing the ministry and officials from the prosecutors’ office.
“We feel proud, as our national flag was displayed on the