Man accused of threatening Flint councilman faces charge of aggravated stalking
Updated Feb 11, 2021;
Posted Feb 11, 2021
Flint City Councilman Maurice Davis, 2nd Ward, applauds Sheldon Neeley upon his first speech as Flint s new mayor during Neeley s swearing-in ceremony on Monday, Nov. 11, 2019 at Flint City Hall in downtown Flint. Neeley is the eighth elected strong mayor in Flint history. (Jake May | May |
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FLINT, MI The 44-year-old man accused of threatening the life of Flint Councilman Maurice Davis will face charges of aggravated stalking and being a habitual offender when he is arraigned in Genesee District Court.
Genesee County OKs state funding for five assistant prosecutors through distressed cities program
Updated Jan 07, 2021;
Posted Jan 07, 2021
Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton is shown in this 2020 Flint Journal file photo.The Flint Journal,
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GENESEE COUNTY, MI The county has given preliminary approval to continue a program with the state of Michigan that provides assistant prosecutors to help combat violent crime.
Commissioners gave committee approval to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the state at their meeting Wednesday, Jan. 6, clearing the way for the program to continue for the eighth straight year at no cost to the county.