we watched unfold over the course of this week. today the county prosecutor announced that in addition to charging the alleged shooter, this 15-year-old, they re charging him as an adult, charging him with four counts of first-degree murder and also terrorism charges, the prosecute err announced today her office is also charging his parents with four counts of involuntary manslaughter. she called their conduct in this instance, quote, criminal. the prosecutor explained today in a lengthy press conference that this 15-year-old suspect was sent back to class the day of the shooting. school officials had found a disturbing drawing he had made depicting a gun and bodies that had been blown apart by gun violence and bullets and the words blood everywhere and the thoughts won t stop, help me. those drawings by the suspect were found on the morning of the shooting. the parents were called in to the school, shown the document, asked to get their son into counseling. the parents decided the
opened fire with a semi-automatic handgun that he had brought to school, killed these four students, shot and wounded six other students, and one teacher. this absolutely terrible case, we watched unfold earlier this week. today the county prosecutor announced that in addition to charging the alleged shooter, this 15-year-old, they re charging him as an adult, charging him with four counts of first-degree murder and also terrorism charges, the prosecute err announced today her office is also charging his parents with four counts of involuntary manslaughter. she called their conduct in this instance, quote, criminal. the prosecutor explained today in a lengthy press conference that this 15-year-old suspect was sent back to class the day of the shooting. school officials had found a disturbing drawing he had made depicting a gun and bodies that had been blown apart by gun violence and bullets and the words blood everywhere and the thoughts won t stop, help