At least seven people in Takeo province’s Prey Kabbas district were injured on May 30 when their homes collapsed during a heavy rainstorm, which also ravaged 140 houses. A similar rainstorm also damaged 29 houses in Kampong Speu province’s Kong Pisei district on the same day.
[ applause ] he was awarded the medal of honor above and beyond the call of duty. he brought along 100 friends and relatives to the white house for the ceremony. on the pros thet sis that s his new right hand he has a plaque bolted onto that lists the names from his regiment that died in iraq and afghanistan. it s the highest military honor. the medal has been awarded only nine times for america s longest wars in iraq and afghanistan. seven were awarded to americans killed during the action for which they received the medal. this is the second time it s been given to an iraq or afghanistan veteran still alive. we ll be right back. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp. medicare supplement insurance card, too.
deployment, back with his ranger brothers on another mission to keep our country safe. this is the stuff of which heroes are made. this is the strength, the devotion that makes our troops the pride of every american. please join me in saluting one of those heroes, leroy petry. [ applause ] he was awarded the medal of honor above and beyond the call of duty. he brought along 100 friends and relatives to the white house for the ceremony. on the pros thet sis that s his new right hand he has a plaque bolted onto that lists the names from his regiment that died in iraq and afghanistan. it s the highest military honor. the medal has been awarded only nine times for america s longest