Feb 12, 2021
On February 10, 2021, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission issued an Order of Immediate License Suspension to the licensee of Old Town Bar & Grill in Newberg for not following public health social distancing and face covering requirements. The business, which holds a Full On-Premises sales license, is NOT allowed to sell any alcoholic beverages.
During the month of January 2021, the OLCC received a wide range of complaints that the operators of Old Town Bar & Grill were allowing for the indoor consumption of both food and alcohol. Further, it was alleged that the licensee was hosting live music events inside the licensed premises.
Feb 12, 2021
On February 10, 2021, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission issued an Order of Immediate License Suspension to the licensee of Old Town Bar & Grill in Newberg for not following public health social distancing and face covering requirements. The business, which holds a Full On-Premises sales license, is NOT allowed to sell any alcoholic beverages.
During the month of January 2021, the OLCC received a wide range of complaints that the operators of Old Town Bar & Grill were allowing for the indoor consumption of both food and alcohol. Further, it was alleged that the licensee was hosting live music events inside the licensed premises.