Aadhar Housing Finance, the country’s largest affordable home loan company based on assets under management (AUM), plans to raise Rs 1,000 crore through a fresh issue of shares to augment the capital base and up to Rs 2,000 crore through an offer for sale by the promoter BCP Topco, an affiliate of the Blackstone group.
Stocks of HDFC Asset Management Company, TD Power System, Jindal Stainless and many others have doubled in the last one year despite promoters offloading anywhere between 9 percent and 24 percent
"We re all human beings, we get distracted with what happens, because of this and that distraction creates difficulties for us in the way we engage with each other, and the way we engage with the organization. That, I believe, is the biggest impact of this uncertainty," Vohra added. Vohra said the promoters and the company are two different entities.
Promoter entity, Evergraph Holdings along with an institutional investor Sanders Consulting are likely to offload a cumulative 30 percent stake in SJS Enterprises.
RBI today raised the cap on promoter's stake in private banks, to 26 per cent - in the long run, from the current15 per cent limit, of the paid-up voting equity share capital of the bank.