26/01/2022 - Adrián Silvestre returns to fiction by portraying the misadventures of Raphäelle Perez, a French trans girl who has spent years searching for her identity and a well-rounded life… But haven’t we all?
26/01/2022 - Adrián Silvestre returns to fiction by portraying the misadventures of Raphäelle Perez, a French trans girl who has spent years searching for her identity and a well-rounded life… But haven’t we all?
26/01/2022 - Adrián Silvestre returns to fiction by portraying the misadventures of Raphäelle Perez, a French trans girl who has spent years searching for her identity and a well-rounded life… But haven’t we all?
26/01/2022 - Adrián Silvestre returns to fiction by portraying the misadventures of Raphäelle Perez, a French trans girl who has spent years searching for her identity and a well-rounded life… But haven’t we all?
01/12/2021 - The 21st Tarragona International Film Festival is being held from 1-8 December, having selected eight films in post-production for its Primer Test industry strand