older children are documented maybe some of the younger children aren t and we can t separate families. we need some kind of special circumstance that allows these family to travel together a lot of folks over there ready to get out and looking for a way to do it. brian: matt, here is the other issue is that we took a whole bunch of people that we had no idea who they were, we threw them into third countries and now sitting in military bases we still don t know who they are. yet, you have to go through all this additional scriewft any and the taliban have a firm grip on that country now. how unfair is that? we are just trying to stay very mission focused with our subset of american citizens and lawful residence. we are not doing any of the lily pads or camps in the meantime. we are moving what we call kabul to dropping them off at jfk and chicago. brian: incredible job. if people want to help you out. project dynamo.org. organization entirely donor
airport and all kinds of other ways. i wouldn t want to get into the details again because there are people looking for us. bill: how can we help? we need to raise money. nobody pays for a seat, nobody at all. so if you are an evacuee, american, siv applicant, whatever you are, nobody pays for a seat period, the end. however, helicopters cost money, planes cost money and pilots cost money so we re fundraising. our website is project dynamo.org. we re 100% privately funded but we need fuel. we have maintenance problems and all kinds of issues. it is an austere and challenging environment from every aspect. political to tactical not to mention the threat piece. not to mention the transportation. bill: we have been hyper focused on kabul.