Project Bike Tech, the high school bicycle education program, named Mike Lowe as its new director of operations to support its need for more logistics and continuing expansion.
/PRNewswire/ In the midst of fluctuating unemployment levels and a volatile economy brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the teachers and administrators of.
/PRNewswire/ Project Bike Tech, the first high school bicycle education program of its kind, has named Channing Nuss as its new Chairman of the Board after.
/PRNewswire/ Project Bike Tech, the first high school bicycle education program of its kind, has named Channing Nuss as its new Chairman of the Board after.
The Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative continues to build momentum one year after the couple’s transformational $25 million gift to West Virginia University. The namesake office the Smiths created is starting to see momentum from a concept the Smiths have instilled in the team the flywheel effect where constant effort compounds until movement forward is second nature.