Instability, anger and division. Thats what is disappointing to me. Mr. Speaker, as i look to the president to lead this country, i want to look at a man who, of his past and who he is, a very dynamic person. Came from very tough circumstances to become president of the United States. I wish he would say, you know what . My job is to lead this conversation about jobs and the economy. My job is to lead this conversation, look, we tried stimulus spending. I really thought it would work, but it didnt. Some republicans, why dont you come to the white house . Why dont you have a conversation with me . I havent been invited for years. Maybe we arent going to find any agreement, but at least we can respect each others opinions and say what do we need to do to get our economy back on track. Why is it 7 of our neighbors dont have jobs, many of them are underemployed in jobs they dont want. Why is that . What can we do to come together . Mr. Gardner what we have been able to do for jobs, i know
Influence and image, season two, premieres monday, september 9. In august, we are bringing you encore performance one. Ntations of season tonight, here on cspan, lucy hayes. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] it is so unfair to her. It is a dismissive, condescending title. It suggests she is smooth talking and her function in life was to not serve alcohol. Lucy hayes is so much more. As was her husband. Everything she accomplished in the white house was in spite of the fact her husbands legitimacy to be president was questioned. She was a charming person, very delightful. Innovative. One of the more controversial collections is the white house china. An article says the art was absurd. Who would want to eat a lovely meal and see a duck at the bottom of their plate . She took an interest in Public Affairs from an early age. Two causes that were important to her were veterans soldiers and or friends, children w
Were beginning to see some people sighing that they dont like drones either. And so we havent really been able i think that the side that wants to talk about scaling back the war on terrorism at this point should also talk about the idea that its not a false choice to quote obama from the National Archives speech between liberty and security. Its a very real choice. And we should be coming to terms with that. I think liberty vs. Security in the various tradeoffs and how much terrorism and daniel youre willing to accept inflicteden on you would be a great other planl for us to have. Im just saying i think weve had a lot of a kind of i think sometimes we treat this conversation like were children and we want to believe that we can have everything. Nd we cant. Id like democracy, no terrorism, you know, a smaller government. Theres all kinds of things you want but you have to look at it in the real context. Do you want to make the last comment . Yeah. I actually, you know, as somebody who
This is nbc nightly news with kate snow. Good evening, we begin with breaking news tonight. James comey sent a letter to congress this afternoon saying the fbi have worked around the clock to process and review the large volume of emails recently discovered on a laptop. The fbi has not changed its assessment made last july that no charges against secretary clinton. That news coming as our nbc news wall street finds the race tightening with clinton leading by just four points. Now having to alter their messages to
react to this last minute all cleared from the fbi. Andrea mitchell is covering the Clintons Campaign for us tonight from New Hampshire. Hillary clinton arriving in cleveland just as the news was breaking. Secretary clinton have you seen james comeys letter. He wrote a letter to congress, we have not changed our conclusion that we expressed in july with respect to secretary clinton. Nbc news learned that the review is over. The emails to and from Hillary Clinton while she was